When does Jazz Congress 2025 take place?
January 8-9, 2025 from 9:30am to 7:15pm.

Is there an app?

We are excited to announce that the app for Jazz Congress 2025 is now available! You can use the app, which is powered by Guidebook, to build your schedule, research panelists, and network with other Jazz Congress attendees. You can get started here: https://builder.guidebook.com/g/jazzcongress/
Having difficulty with the link? Download the “Guidebook” app to your iOS or Android device and then search for “Jazz Congress 2025”.

Who attends Jazz Congress?

The registrants consist of jazz artists and professionals who come from all over the world, and include artists, managers, agents, record label reps, publicists, journalists, radio programmers, concert & festival presenters, attorneys and other members of the global jazz community.

Is there a registration fee to attend the conference?

Yes, there is a registration fee to attend the Jazz Congress. Please see the About Us page.

Is there a student discount?

Yes, for students showing a valid high school or college ID, registration is $50.00.

What is the location of the conference?

The conference will be held at Frederick P. Rose Hall at Jazz at Lincoln Center, located on the 5th floor of the Time Warner Center at 60th and Broadway in New York City. 

Is there a discount for lodging at the host hotel?

Yes, for those attending the conference from out of town, we have arranged for a special rate at the Empire Hotel. Please click here to access the rate. The rate expires November 29.

Is there free or discounted admission into Winter JazzFest?

Winter Jazz Fest and Jazz Congress are separate events and as such, there are not reciprocal benefits offered at this time. For information about Winter Jazzfest, go to their website.

Are there performances or showcases at the conference?

Because APAP and Winter Jazzfest provide hundreds of opportunities for performance showcases, we do not host showcases at the conference.

How do I submit an idea for a workshop or panel topic?

Our open panel submission process enables attendees to submit ideas for panels and interactive workshops. Individuals can submit one session idea and must confirm at least one other panelist to be considered. As session dates and times cannot be guaranteed, proposed panelists are encouraged to attend both days of Jazz Congress. The deadline for the 2025 Jazz Congress is August 30, 2024.

Are the sessions streamed or broadcast on the web?

All panels in The Appel Room will be webcast for free. Please visit https://www.jazzlive.com/ to view available panels.

Are the sessions videotaped or recorded?

Sessions may be recorded for archival and promotional purposes.

Will food be available on site?

Complimentary coffee and tea will be available through 12:30pm each day. Lunch items will be available for purchase between 11:45am-3:30pm.

Are there opportunities to meet and greet with fellow attendees?

Yes, there are breaks between panels, an extended lunch break and a cocktail hour/opening party that gives attendees an opportunity to mingle and network.

Are there opportunities for sponsorship or enhanced presence at the conference?

Yes, we have sponsorship opportunities! Please email Georgina Javor at [email protected] to inquire.

Will a list of attendees be shared?

Yes, for those who selected to share their contact information, we will share the list with all conference attendees.

What is the hashtag?

#jazzcongress is the hashtag.

Are there press passes?

Press passes will be very limited and will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Anyone with intentions of covering the conference should contact Zooey Jones at Jazz at Lincoln Center with the specifics on the expected coverage and outlet. 

How do I volunteer?

Thanks for your enthusiasm! Unfortunately, Jazz Congress 2025 is not accepting volunteers.

Can I display literature at the conference?

There will not be any official opportunity to display your literature at the conference. Material left on furniture is regularly picked up by the JALC staff and they request that flyers and postcards are not dropped onto chairs in the meeting rooms. We do encourage you to make person-to-person contact with your fellow registrants.

Are there other events happening at JALC this weekend?

Yes, the Unity Jazz Festival takes place on Friday and Saturday, January 10-11, 2025. Jazz Congress attendees can enjoy 25% off tickets with the code CONGRESS. Visit www.jazz.org.

More questions?

Please email Georgina Javor at [email protected].